Now is time to throw away your cumbersome paper maps and buy a GPS unit to accompany your journey. Using a GPS unit will make your journey much more easier, no more hussle just to read your paper maps when you need a direction. A unit of GPS can be bought with price in range of $300-$3500 depend on the type and the specifications.
When you need to buy a GPS unit all you need to do is find
GPS reviews available in the net and find one that fit with your need. If you need some detail informations about GPS devices then you can go to some offline GPS stores and ask some questions about GPS that you need to know and go online to get the best price for your GPS unit.

There are 3 types of GPS devices; Built-in Navigation System, Stand alone unit, and Cellphone/PDA unit. Each type has some advantages and disadvantages but it is up to you to choose between those type which one is more suitable with your condition. Choose one and then find some online
GPS reviews to compare GPS devices available in that type. Or maybe you can compare
GPS reviews based on its brand. There are several well-known GPS manufacturers like Garmin, TomTom and Magellan and those three is a start if you want best quality built-in or stand alone GPS unit.
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